

We can suggest new items for collection development, as well as suitable professional avenues for purchasing. We can advise on new purchases to develop your collection.

We can offer market reports based on the latest sales data for price comparisons, possible future trends and analysis of where the market might be heading.

Collections Management:

We can organize, evaluate and preserve your collection. We are expert in collections management software including Past Perfect and TMS (The Museum System). We devise innovative solutions for the preservation of your collection; examples include creating a 'Visible Storage' area in a historic house. Read our report about the project in 'Publications.'


Design for exhibitions includes research into the collection and providing several design options. We create imaginative exhibit designs that are cost sensitive. Examples include: interactive exhibits with large groups of touch objects, role play and immersive art.

We offer period room re-interpretations based on academic research and knowledge of the the history of the location. We are expert in managing using the house collection to create new period room settings.


Grant writing requires time and dedication, as well as accurate research into the appropriate grant making authority. We can source grants for you organization, write grants and advise on managing the process. An example of a successful grant:  a large conservation grant for a historic house, the first of its kind for the historic house.


We devise education programs that are targeted to visitors. Examples of our education programs include: art activities, interactive exhibit activities and knowledge based programs.