Outsider Art Fair 2018

The Outsider Art Fair 2018 is a strong indicator that the categories of ‘outsider’ and 'mainstream art’ are becoming less distinct. This year the dynamic show, had positive representation from both European and American galleries. The crowds were busy buying and the quantity and quality of the art on display was high. The term ‘Outsider’ is clunky, but is a broad church that encompasses art made by artists who are considered or consider themselves, outside the world of mainstream art. This broad church allows artists to express themselves in a variety of media and methods, using whatever materials are at hand, from cardboard to wood pallets, yarn or found materials. Visually the show is always stimulating and the crowd includes collectors as well as art students.

Galerie Pol Lemétais, France. (Top Left) David Puttick (Third, Top Right) Cuban Art (Bottom Left) Donald Mitchell (Bottom center) Martin Ramírez (Bottom Right)