Jeff Zimmerman

Contemporary Glass

Contemporary Glass

Contemporary glass is ‘having a moment’ as more and more shows, fairs and galleries display contemporary glass to a new audience. Two artists that challenge us to think about the perceived limitations of glass as a medium are Jeff Zimmerman and Thaddeus Wolfe.

Jeff Zimmerman (b.1968) is an artist who uses advanced glass making techniques to create objects that are both solid and liquid, static and mobile. His objects and site specific commissions reflect the tension between sculptural and recognizable glass forms.

Thaddeus Wolfe (b. 1979) created Stacked Grid for the 2016 Rakow Commission at The Corning Museum of Glass. As an artist, Wolfe’s uses multiple layers of mold blown glass, color and shaping to create unique works of glass.

Jeff Zimmerman "Serpentine" candlesticks. Designed 2009, Made 2010. Corning Museum of Glass collection.

Jeff Zimmerman, 2015. Wall mounted sculpture of eighteen mirrorized glass orbs. R & Company, New York.

Jeff Zimmerman, 2015. Wall mounted sculpture of eighteen mirrorized glass orbs. R & Company, New York.

Thaddeus Wolfe, 'Stacked Grid' 2016 Rakow Commission, Corning Museum of Glass.

Thaddeus Wolfe, 'Stacked Grid' 2016 Rakow Commission, Corning Museum of Glass.

Thaddeus Wolfe, 2014. Thaddeus Wolfe website, Brooklyn Glass, New York.

Thaddeus Wolfe, 2014. Thaddeus Wolfe website, Brooklyn Glass, New York.